Fine Art Print, titled: Please Write. - Framed

by L.A. Marler

$65 USD

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Ready to hang on your wall... Small framed, print is 9" x 9" square, with certificate of authenticity.

I picked a few favorites off the shelves of dad’s collection to reinvent. Some colorized with playful captions, photographs evolved into contemporary art of low-tech origins!

Graphic photos of manual typewriters are inspiring, iconic images of communication. They remain enduring symbols of letters, books, stories and life. They are nostalgic to many people, especially those with a connection to writing. Whether you are a professional writer, closet poet or simply have memories of those times and that unique writing process, these vintage machines are symbols of communication, letters, books, stories, commerce and life.

Estimated arrival: 27 Apr - 06 May* if you buy today
*Items may reach before or after the estimated dates.
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